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4164 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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GEA supplies cooling systems to China

GEA Group AG (Bochum, Germany; received in its Energy…

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Engineering surfaces to repel all liquids

Nature-inspired surfaces are being developed that are not only highly…

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CO2-Capture Technologies Aim to Cut Costs

Despite cost hurdles, CO2-capture technologies continue to advance, driven by…

HollyFrontier to acquire Petro-Canada Lubricants for $854 million

HollyFrontier Corp. (Dallas, Tex.; announced it has entered into…

Coal-upgrading process moves closer to commercialization

Brown coal accounts for about half the world’s coal reserves.…

This quick-connect wiring system provides up to 18-amp of power

The M16 powerfast wiring system (photo) is designed for machine…

B&W subsidiary awarded contract to design boiler for world’s largest waste-to-energy plant in China

Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc. (B&W; Charlotte, N.C.; says…

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This new route to PLA requires no organic solvent or metal catalyst

A process to make polylactic acid (PLA) that requires no…

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Chementator: A New GTL Process Takes a Step Closer to Commercialization

Japan Oil, Gas, & Metals National Corp. (JOGMEC; Kawasaki;…

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Chementator: A less-expensive way to produce titanium  

Titanium, the ninth most abundant metal in the world, has…