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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Honeywell to expand production of measurement and control equipment in Russia

Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS; Houston; announced that it will…

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A new way to desalt water without using RO or distillation

Capacitive desalination, in which salt ions are electrically removed from…

MHPS to supply first fluegas desulfurization system in the West Balkans

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS; Yokohama, Japan; signed…

Siemens and Dresser-Rand to provide rotating machinery for major petrochemicals complex in Oman

Siemens AG (Munich, Germany; and its Dresser-Rand business will…

Honeywell to expand U.S. refrigerant production

Honeywell (Morristown, N.J.; has announced that investments of approximately…

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Revamped hydrotreater co-processes light gas oil and tall oil derivative to produce ULSD

Co-processing of biomass-derived feed with petroleum feed for the production…

Workshop to cover emission control technologies

Different oxidizer technologies are used on various applications in the…

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This CO2-capture process promises to have half the energy cost of MEA

Both carbon dioxide and sulfur components are removed from fluegas…

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Air Products to build new world-scale H2 plant to support Shell Scotford facility  

Air Products (Lehigh Valley, Pa.;, and its subsidiary Air…

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Siemens and Bentley extend collaboration to the process industry  

The Siemens Industry Automation Division (Nuremberg, Germany: and Bentley…