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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Magic trays, brown solvent

Every five years or so, a call would come in…

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A second plant for an oil-recycling process

Following up on its success with the world’s first commercial…

Petroleum Refinery Responsiveness: Issues Discussed at 2018 AFPM Annual Meeting

Responsiveness and adaptability — in the face of shifting market…

Process Lead Responsibilities In Design Projects

Arbitrarily, process leads can be categorized into three different sub-categories…

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Smooth Your Retrieval of Plant-Design Data

Most chemical engineers involved with operating large chemical process facilities…

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Testing of a new oil-sands-recovery process

A consortium of companies — Laricina Energy Ltd., Nexen Inc.,…

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Ansys software improves cement making

Ansys, Inc. (Southpointe, Pa.; today announced that its software…

Editor’s Page: Pooling Water Resources

This month’s cover line "Approaching Zero Liquid Discharge" (see Cover…

Flint Hills Resources completes purchase of PetroLogistics

Flint Hills Resources, LLC has announced that it is moving…

Bulkflow changes name to Solex Thermal Science

Bulkflow Technologies, Inc. has changed its corporate name to Solex…