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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Pressure Relief Requirement During External Pool-Fire Contingency

Relief system design is an important engineering activity throughout the…

Frac Water Reuse

Production of natural gas from shale formations presents key water…

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Compliant Remote I/Os

Process sensors and actuators provide a wealth of information about…

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Waterhammer In Condensate Return Lines

There is a temptation that steam design engineers find difficult…

Chromalox acquired by Spirax-Sarco

Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (Cheltenham, U.K.; signed an agreement to…

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Wet Scrubbers

Wet fluegas desulfurization (FGD), also known as wet-scrubbing, is a…

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GE and Shenhua open cleaner-coal-technology JV in China  

GE (Atlanta, Ga.; announced today the opening of GE…

Maintenance and Repair of Glass-Lined Equipment

 A customized inspection and maintenance program will minimize operational and…

Show Preview-BulkSolids

Over 3,300 industry professionals will attend the International Powder &…

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Wastewater concentrator uses waste heat to lower treatment costs

Landfill leachate and other challenging wastewaters incur rising treatment and…