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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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A solution-based route to LLDPE

Polyethylene (PE) is the world’s largest-volume commodity polymer. Along with…

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Linde to help commercialize an oil-from-algae process

Sapphire Energy, Inc. (San Diego, Calif.; and The Linde…

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Sener and Obrascón Huarte Lain to build a cogeneration plant in México  

Pemex Refinación (Huasteca, Mexico; has awarded to a consortium formed…

Veolia to manage cogeneration plant utilizing poultry waste in North Carolina

Veolia North America (Boston, Mass.; announced that through a…

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World’s largest SNG plant goes onstream in China  

Haldor Topsøe A/S (Lyngby, Denmark; says that Qinghua, the…

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Highly selective adsorbent tackles complex sulfur species

To meet strict sulfur specifications and reduce emissions, amine scrubbing…

Engineering for Plant Safety

Early process-hazards analyses can lead to potential cost savings in…

Environmental Manager: A Checklist for Safer Chemical Batch Reactions

A good understanding of the reaction chemistry is needed for…

Designing Safer Process Plants

Many individuals and organizations have made important contributions to the…

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Compressed Gases: Managing Cylinders Safely

Compressed gas cylinders are widely used in research, pilot plant,…