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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

DSM opens materials research center in the Netherlands

Royal DSM (Heerlen, the Netherlands; has opened its new…

The Inescapable Sound of Noise

Whether noise is encountered on the job or in the…

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Ethanol from the Direct Gasification of Biomass

Increasing global demand for energy and a drive to develop…

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A simulation demonstrates the potential of NH3 as a power source

Harnessing renewable energy by catalytic dissociation and synthesis of ammonia…

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The commercial debut for a process that makes ‘natural’ gas from coal

Haldor Topsøe A/S (Lyngby, Denmark; has signed a design…

Spray-on insulation that also prevents corrosion

Heat Shield EPX-H2O (photo) is a two-part water-based reactive prepolymer…

Commercial debut for a process that captures CO2 directly from air

On May 31, Climeworks (Hinwill/Zurich, Switzerland; inaugurated its —…

A pump that can provide electrical heating

This company has upgraded the 4-in. model of its NP…

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A window into kettle reboiler secrets

Thermosiphon reboilers are the new standard in petroleum refineries and…

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Huineng SNG plant goes on-stream  

Haldor Topsøe A/S (Lyngby, Denmark; today announced that Huineng,…