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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Selection of an Optimum Gasification Product

Equipment for generating synthesis gas (syngas; mostly CO and H2)…

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Smarter Sensors for a Smoother Process

Advanced sensors help reduce downtime, increase efficiency and safety As…

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Energy Efficiency in Steam Systems

In today’s typical process plants, preventing steam loss and improving…

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A new roasting process slated for commercialization

Outotec Oyj (Espoo, Finland; has introduced a new partial…

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CPI Workforce Issues See Positive Movement

Significant workforce-related hurdles remain in place for CPI companies, but…

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A compact thermal storage system

Theres a growing trend toward generating electricity from biogas (see…

Chementator: Sonicating slurries speeds soil remediation

Ultrasound has been applied, with limited success, for the remediation…

RF speeds web drying, saving energy and floor space

A new Macrowave radio-frequency (RF) drying system provides greater efficiency…

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Partnership scales up the first ethylene-based metathesis process

A multi-company partnership has achieved the largest-ever use of molybdenum/tungsten…

The New Face of Heat Exchangers

When it comes to heat exchangers, chemical processors have a…