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4172 results for: heat exchanger brushes

A Steamy Situation

Today’s chemical processors must cope with rising labor costs, increasing…

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Short-Cut Piping Costs

    Engineers often need to predict the cost of…

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F-T µ-technology scales up towards the pilot phase   

Following the successful operation of a biomass-to-liquids (BTL) demonstration plant…

U.S. energy mix shifts

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA; Washington, D.C.) recently released…

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Weighing Equipment Selection

The number of options available for scales and weighing equipment…

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Piping Design for Hazardous Fluid Service

Incorporating fire safety into plant design takes on two fundamental…

Carbon storage and electricity generation project gets DOE funding

A project aimed at using geothermal heat to power an…

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Removing harmful metals from wastewater with crab shells

Copper and cadmium exist naturally in the environment, but human…

Selection of Severe Service Valves

Severe service valves (SSVs) differ from general purpose valves in…

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Siemens: Order from the Steel Authority of India

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies (Linz, Austria, has received an order…