With the mechanical completion of new production lines at the…
Water desalination plants could replace expensive chemicals with new carbon…
Synthomer Plc (London, U.K.), Neste Corp. (Espoo, Finland) and PCS have…
Corteva Inc. (Indianapolis, Ind.) announced a collaboration with bp (London)…
Nouryon (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) announced the expansion of its Kromasil…
AGAE Technologies (Corvallis; Ore.; www.agaetech.com), a U.S.-based leader in rhamnolipid…
Henry Kister shares lessons learned from troubleshooting distillation towers Many…
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (Waltham, Mass.) announced that the company…
Driving the global energy transition towards biofuels, Alfa Laval (Lund,…
Biological air-cleaning systems are an effective alternative to filtration and…