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4719 results for: double containment tubing

Lummus announces agreement for advanced recycling technology with Dongyang Environment Group

Lummus Technology (Houston) has announced an agreement with Dongyang Environment…

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Keeping Valves Corrosion-Free

In all phases of a valve’s lifecycle — from fabrication…

If Data is the New Gold, Where to Start Digging?

In a data-overloaded environment, companies may struggle to fully reap…

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Steam Reboilers: Condensate Vessel Balance to Reboiler is Important

Properly locating a simple 1–2-in. balance line can make all…

Sika more than doubles capacity at its largest manufacturing plant in Indonesia

Sika AG (Baar, Switzerland) has more than doubled the production…

Koch Modular launches carbon capture demonstration system

Koch Modular (Houston) is launching a new Carbon Capture Demonstration…

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Chementator briefs

Steam Reforming Honeywell International Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.; and ZoneFlow…

DOMO Chemicals opens new polyamide production plant in China

DOMO Chemicals (Leuna, Germany) has inaugurated its newest plant in…

Axens announces successful sustained operation at DMX carbon-capture pilot project in France

Axens (Rueil-Malmaison, France) has announced that the DMX process demonstration…

SWA Lithium and Koch Technology Solutions sign license for DLE project in North America

SWA Lithium, the joint venture (JV) between Standard Lithium and…