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4720 results for: double containment tubing

Evonik opens new plant for sustainable emollients at its Steinau, Germany site

Evonik Industries AG (Essen, Germany; has officially inaugurated its…

Golden Rules of Electrical Temperature Measurement

Understand and follow these tips to ensure accurate and reliable…

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Evaporators: Design Concepts and Equipment Selection

This primer provides guidance on key aspects to consider when…

Invista completes nylon 6,6 capacity expansion in Shanghai

INVISTA (Wichita, Kan.) announced that INVISTA Nylon Chemicals (China) Co.…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Efficiency in Electric Induction Motors

The purchase price of an electric motor is generally thought…

Co-located Facilities: Untangling Environmental Compliance, Liability and Accountability Issues

When multiple operators, co-owners, co-operators and third-party contractors are all…

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This electrolysis cell produces high-purity iron

Processing iron ore is the most carbon-intensive step in the…

Improved Mixing Performance Drives Innovation in Battery Development

Effective slurry mixing for electrode material has a significant effect…

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Health, Safety and Environmental Considerations for Process Synthesis

Following this approach to assessing health, safety and environmental risks…

PKN Orlen completes significant revamp project to double ethylene and propylene capacities

PKN Orlen (PÅ‚ock, Poland) has completed the Olefin II revamping…