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4668 results for: double containment tubing

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High-performance polymers in the spotlight

Improvements in existing materials and the development of new ones…

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Newsfront: Fuel Cells Move into the CPI Plant

Fuel cells and hydrogen economy are inevitably used in the…

Considering Fugitive Emissions During the Conceptual Design Stage

The ability to reduce fugitive emissions through the use of…

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Harnessing the Power of a Cyclone

Due to their simplicity of construction, lack of moving parts,…

The launch of a new metering system

Launched last month at Weftec (Chicago; October 2–4), the new…

Piping-System Leak Detection and Monitoring for the CPI

Leaks in a chemical process industries (CPI) facility can run…

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Hydrogen Pinch Analysis Made Easy (Discussion between a reader and the authors)

I recently read Hydrogen-Pinch Analysis Made Easy Chem. Eng., June…

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Pneumatic Conveying: Before Stepping the Line, Look Into Air Extraction

Successively larger diameters downstream can raise problems. Physical removal of…

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Water-saving strategies for the CPI

Reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge at large petroleum-refining and…

Dust Control in the Chemical Processing Industries

Dust in the chemical processing industries (CPI) is present in…