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4668 results for: double containment tubing

Condensers and heat exchangers customized to order

This firm offers customized and optimized shell-and-tube condensers for steam,…

Use this power lift for loads up to 6,000 lb.

This company’s power lift unit is useful for applications including…

Celanese to acquire Italy-based thermoplastic compounder

Celanese Corp. (Irving, Tex.; announced it has signed a…

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Waste coffee grounds are used to make biodiesel blend

A biodiesel fuel blend known as B20 contains oils derived…

Heinz Bloch reviews “Operator’s Guide to Centrifugal Pumps”

Operator’s Guide to Centrifugal Pumps. By Robert X. Perez. Xlibris…

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Chementator: A sound way to reuse low-temperature waste heat

In a so-called thermoacoustic engine, researchers from the Energy Research…

Coal-upgrading process moves closer to commercialization

Brown coal accounts for about half the world’s coal reserves.…

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CO2-Capture Technologies Aim to Cut Costs

Despite cost hurdles, CO2-capture technologies continue to advance, driven by…

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 2)  

Put an end to gasket failure from insufficient load This…

Messer to build new oxygen-production plant in Estonia

  As part of the joint venture Elme Messer Gaas,…