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4719 results for: double containment tubing

Gas Turbines: Design and Operating Considerations

Gas turbines are widely used throughout the chemical process industries…

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Designing Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Avoid Vibration From The Start

Mechanical integrity is an essential consideration in heat exchanger design.…

Determining Friction Factors in Turbulent Pipe Flow

Head loss due to friction for fluids traveling through pipes,…

Road to Boiler MACT Takes Sharp Turns

Already, in the first two months of this year, the…

Troubleshooting Heat Transfer Fluid Systems

Articles about thermal fluid systems often start with a variation…

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Wastewater Treatment: Energy-Conservation Opportunities

Typical wastewater-treatment plants (WWTP) — both industrial and municipal —…

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Flooded Condenser Controls: Principles and Troubleshooting

Flooded condensers are the prime tower pressure-control methods for total…

Designing Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Consider Two-Phase Flow

In the chemical process industries (CPI) it is relatively common…

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Designing Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Consider Two-Phase Flow

In the chemical process industries (CPI) it is relatively common…

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Black & Veatch to upgrade two treatment facilities in the U.K.  

Black & Veatch (Overland Park, Kan.; has been appointed principal…