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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

A modular dosing system built to match the task

The Compact Vertical Dosing (CVD) system features a modular design…

Heinz Bloch reviews “Operator’s Guide to Centrifugal Pumps”

Operator’s Guide to Centrifugal Pumps. By Robert X. Perez. Xlibris…

This gear pump delivers smooth flows up to 5 gal/min

The Model TG-300 variable-speed low-flow pump is a positive displacement…

A ‘one-size-fits-all’ frame makes this pump simple to maintain

The model 1400 horizontal-end suction pump (photo) features a heavy-duty…

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Chementator: A sound way to reuse low-temperature waste heat

In a so-called thermoacoustic engine, researchers from the Energy Research…

Gas-jet compressor systems to increase the rate of yield of natural gas fields

GEA (Düsseldorf, Germany; has designed, manufactured and delivered a…

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 1)  

Dual-disc check valves cut fugitive emissions The dual-disc wafer check-valve…

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Progress on E.U. project to produce rare earth elements from Greenland

A refinery pilot test was successfully completed on the Kvanefjeld…

Rotating Machines: Digital Technologies to Enable Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance for rotating machinery is gaining prominence as plant…

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CO2-Capture Technologies Aim to Cut Costs

Despite cost hurdles, CO2-capture technologies continue to advance, driven by…