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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

These process-control systems conform to safety standards

SysCon control systems (photo) can be custom-designed for virtually any…

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Moving to Modular

If the word “modular” brings to mind a trailer office…

New Products & Services (North American edition)

Moderate sample temperatures with this unit The EcoTherm Model IC35…

Pfeiffer Vacuum opens first service center in Malaysia

Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH (Aßlar, Germany; has opened a new…

Seals and gaskets, at your service

In today’s global marketplace, multinational companies are almost expected to…

Underappreciated Competitive Factor: After sales service for pumps, valves and controls

After sales services create opportunities for users and manufacturers alike…

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Valves for Extreme Service

To meet the needs of the chemical process industries, new…

A new static mixer

For homogenizing viscous fluid, the new SMX plus Static Mixer…

September Bookshelf

Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution Control. Third Edition. By…

Flowmeter Selection

When a flowmeter is needed, the selection process should include…