TUSTIN, Calif. – June 26, 2008 – GF Piping Systems…
The MiniTest 300 is a vacuum leak detector that uses…
SartoFlow Smart (photo) is a new benchtop crossflow system for…
The Chinese Petroleum Corp. (CPC) awarded DuPont Clean Technologies (DuPont;…
Kadant AES (Queensbury, N.Y.; edlinks.chemengonline.com/7373-543) has introduced a patented control…
Available from this company, the HNP 11558 micro annular gear…
The new GEMÜ 505 (hand-operated; photo) and 555 (pneumatic) angle…
A real-life example is provided to show how to stay…
Sometimes the smallest parts — such as seals and gaskets…
The dual-function FS10i flow switch/monitor (photo) delivers two functions in…