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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

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Graham Corp. awarded three orders

Graham Corp. (Batavia, N.Y.;, a designer and manufacturer of…

Member Exclusive

‘Switchable solvent’ technology is a promising development for advancing forward osmosis

Forward osmosis (FO), whereby a concentrated salt solution is used…

Nidec Corp. completes acquisition of Leroy-Somer and Control Technologies

On January 31, Nidec Corporation completed the acquisition of Leroy-Somer…

Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Technologies

Several carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes hold much promise,…

Current Economic Trends: April preliminary CEPCI

Preliminary data for the April  2013 CE Plant Cost Index…

Current trends

Preliminary data for the February 2013 CE Plant Cost Index…

Member Exclusive

New Performance Materials Solve Industrial Challenges

From additives to polymers to coatings to 3-D printables, new…

Cooling-tower Water: A Hybrid Problem Calls for a Hybrid Solution

Scaling, fouling and corrosion have long been the enemy of…

Bulk Solids: Optimizing Screw Conveyors

Despite their apparent simplicity, the complexity of these conveying systems…

A new line of electrically driven solids-handling pumps

These-auto prime pumps have a capacity of 100 to a…