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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

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Oil-free compressed air at a fraction of the cost

The recently commercialized high-speed turbo (HST) compressors from BOGE Kompressoren…

Digital Tools To Move Turbomachinery Into the Future

As with many industries, turbomachinery is experiencing a shift toward…

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Zirconium and its Alloys: For Extreme Sulfuric Acid Applications

One of the earliest applications for zirconium in the chemical…

A new surge for coal gasification

    Following the dramatic upswing in the global energy…

Compact turbine pumps for low flows, high pressures

The MTH range of pumps is ideally suited to applications,…

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Energy Management: Consider Supply And Demand

    It's no secret that the chemical process industries…

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Environmentally Friendly Dry Vacuum Pumps Save Energy with the Lowest Cost of Ownership in Chemical and Biofuel Processes

Demands in the chemical processing industry to reduce energy consumption…

Translucent tubing for peristaltic pumps in high-purity operations

APSPG tubing is specially formulated to withstand the repeated compression…

Newsfront: Upping the Ante with Heat Transfer Fluids

In an economy with soaring raw material and rising heat-transfer-fluid…