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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

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An Overview of Vacuum System Design

The design of vacuum systems deserves careful attention — there…

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Guidelines for Designing a Compressed Air System

With the proper knowledge, engineers can work alongside compressor manufacturers…

Multi-agitator system for mixing and dispersion

The VersaMix is a multi-shaft mixer designed for viscous applications…

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Supercritical CO2 Brayton-cycle system packs efficiency into small footprint

Electricity generation of 240 kW has been demonstrated in a…

A positive displacement alternative for syringe pumps

Cheminert Models M6 and M50 liquid handling pumps (photo) are…

Realtime viscosity measurement; Remote I/O interface; A versatile level switch… and more new products and services

Realtime viscosity monitoring, even at high pressure The new XL7-HT2…

CE Bookshelf: Recently Published Books for the CPI (September 2016)

Emerging Membrane Technology for Sustainable Water Treatment, Edited by Rajindar…

A peristaltic pump for metering and transfer applications

The new 530 peristaltic cased pump (photo) handles metering and…

Improved LPLC with this metering pump

The new EcoPrime metering pump delivers a precise flowrate in…