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2124 results for: diaphragm pumps

Granulating and drying in one double planetary mixer

The Double Planetary Mixer (photo) is suitable for high-precision mixing,…

Dry Vacuum Solutions for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Applications

Throughout the years, many different technologies have been used to…

Verder acquires JEC

The Verder Group (, a Dutch family-owned business specializing in…

This fast coupling device is patent-pending

REconnect (photo) is a new a coupling device for simple…

Chementator briefs

'New food' GEA AG (Düsseldorf, Germany; has received a…

Chementator Briefs

Ethylene Last month, Linde GmbH (Pullach, Germany; and Shell…

Member Exclusive

Ionic liquids enable lower-cost desalination with forward osmosis

Membrane-based forward osmosis (FO) desalination could be a lower-cost alternative…