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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

A wireless product sends complete maintenance information

This company, in collaboration with SKF, has introduced OneWireless Equipment…

Seal Considerations to Reduce Fugitive Emissions

By understanding the basics of industry standards, such as API…

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CO2 scrubber supplies raw material for oxalic acid production

A novel carbon-capture project at Michigan Technical University (MTU; Houghton,…

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Batch Drying: Maximizing Product Yields

Use the strategies discussed here to maximize the yields of…

Rugged enclosures available for medium-voltage drives

PowerFlex 6000 medium-voltage variable frequency drives (VFDs; photo) packaged in…

Landfill Gas Processing: Plant-Design Considerations

There are several technologies used in the disposal of landfill…

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Process Commercialization: The 2021 Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering Achievement Award

To honor the efforts of those chemical engineers and their…

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Commercializing Process Technologies

New technologies can provide competitive advantages compared to established processes,…

Pump Selection Considerations

A number of factors need to be considered to properly…

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Crystallizers And Agitators

    New crystallization-system designs rely on previous successful installations…