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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

An improved vacuum pump has a longer service life, and more

The new two-stage DuoLine rotary-vane vacuum pumps feature a newly…

A new range of pumps for laboratory use

This company has introduced three new models to its Laboport…

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Pump Troubleshooting Using Video Analysis

By allowing maintenance professionals to visualize vibration on entire pump…

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PVDF: A Fluoropolymer for Chemical Challenges

When it comes to selecting materials of construction, keep in…

A smaller AODD model is added to this pump product range

The extensive range of Finnish Thompson FTI air-operated double diaphragm…

Maintaining Heat-Transfer-Fluid Quality

Learning what can degrade heat-transfer-fluid quality can help minimize potentially…

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Cost Engineering: Equipment Purchase Costs

A methodology and examples for estimating equipment costs are presented…

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Design for Safety: Tips for Proactive Risk Reduction

Thoughtful design can help reduce safety risks at process plant…

Heat pumps and air conditioners for hazardous locations

Model TAC and THP Smart Cool and Smart Pump Units…

Using Lifecycle Cost Analysis for Best Project Value

Lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA) can be used as a tool…