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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

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Controlling Reboilers Heated by Condensing Steam or Vapor

Methods for controlling reboilers in distillation towers are central to…

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Integrated Risk-Management Matrices

An overview of the tools available to reliability professionals for…

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Compact Heat Exchangers: Improving Heat Recovery

There is increasing pressure on industry to reduce both energy…

Clariant produces and donates sanitizing and sterilizing products in India

Clariant AG (Muttenz, Switzerland) has initiated the production of sanitizer…

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New pressure-relief valves improve performance and reduce emissions

Spring-loaded pressure-relief valves (PRVs) often use bellows to ensure balanced…

GEA Sustainable Energy Solutions significantly improve plant efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions

The Sustainable Energy Solutions (SEnS) offering from GEA (Düsseldorf, Germany)…

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Process intensification for carbon capture could reduce costs

In conventional solvent-based carbon-capture systems, CO2-rich exhaust gas contacts gravity-driven…

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Modular Process Design: Chemical and Thermal Recycling of Acids

In order to recycle spent acids from different applications, a…

Use this pump in applications requiring low NPSHr

The recently enhanced LMV 803Lr (photo) is a direct-drive, vertical…

PAT is IIoT Ready

Combining process analytical technology (PAT) and the cloud for next-level…