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2130 results for: diaphragm pumps

Mobile coolers designed for demanding oil applications

Unifin International The ForZair line of mobile coolers (photo) feature…

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HPD to supply evaporation and crystallization technology to Alkim

Alkim Alkali Kimya A.S. (Alkim; Istanbul, Turkey), one of the…

Gorman-Rupp Co. receives ISO 14001 certification

The Gorman-Rupp Co. (Mansfield, Ohio; announced that its Mansfield…

Calendar: June and July 2011

NORTH AMERICA AWMA Annual Conference & Expo. Air & Waste…

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Keeping Corrosion at Bay

Given the recent focus on cost control, it’s likely that…

Reactor control for automated laboratory processes

The new RX-10 Reactor Control system (photo) connects and automates…

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A concept for making gasoline from air

Air Fuel Synthesis Ltd. (AFS; Darlington, U.K.; has recently…

A new actuator for hygienic applications

The new Type 3379 Pneumatic Actuator is tailored to the…

July Bookshelf  

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers. Second edition. By James O.…

Uniting on interoperability

It's a simple matter of fact: a chemical process plant…