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14276 results for: cleaning technologies

Calendar: September to October 2011

NORTH AMERICA ACS Fall National Meeting & Exposition. American Chemical…


Asset management means different things to different people, but in…

Electrically controlled ion exchange offers a greener way to treat wastewater

Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL; have demonstrated…

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Ti powder

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Arlington, Va.) has…

Ethics, Part 2: Survey Results  

For the mainstream media, stories about persons guided by their…

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This new process makes biogasoline from carbohydrates

In late March, the world’s first demonstration plant for converting…

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BASF to build new plant for high-performance polyamide, and more business news

Plant Watch Chevron Phillips receives key permits for large Gulf…

Vacuum Systems: Recommendations For Safe Operation

This article is the first in a two-part series, in…

Large-Scale Fermentation Systems: Hygienic Design Principles

Fermentation has always been an important part of human history.…

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Mixing Systems: Design and Scale Up

    Fundamental to the chemical process industries (CPI) —…