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14277 results for: cleaning technologies

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Technology Profile: Sugar Inversion

The substance known colloquially as table sugar is actually sucrose,…

GTC Technology licenses isomerization process technology in China

GTC Technology (Houston; will provide its licensed Isomalk technologies…

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Spheripol process technology is chosen for new PP plant in China and more business news

Spheripol process technology is chosen for new PP plant in…

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Feature Report: Spray Technology Fundamentals & Applications: Game Winning Strategies

Spray technology is a powerful tool used to achieve higher…

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GTC Technology wins 20th GT-BTX contract

Pinti Wang, President and CEO of GTC Technology (Houston, Tex.;…

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Lummus Technology wins cracker-heater contract

Lummus Technology, a CB&I company (The Woodlands, Tex.; has…

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UOP’s Oleflex technology selected for propylene production in China  

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.;, a Honeywell company, says…

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UOP technology selected for petrochemical production in China  

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.;, a Honeywell company, announced…

Solvay signs exclusive license for Revolymer encapsulation technology

Solvay S.A. (Brussels, Belgium; has signed a global license…

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DSM acquires light-trapping technology for solar modules  

Royal DSM (, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences…