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14277 results for: cleaning technologies

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Technology Profile: Isopropanol Production from Propylene

This column is based on “Isopropyl Alcohol Production from RG…

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Counting On Process Analytical Technology

If the debate that culminated in passage of national healthcare…

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UOP technology selected for petroleum-refinery expansion in Pakistan  

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.;, a Honeywell company, says…

Lanxess membrane technology goes online at German power plant

Fouling-resistant membrane technology from Lanxess (Cologne, Germany; is being…

Honeywell UOP technology selected for refinery in Pakistan

Honeywell ( announced today that Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd. (PARCO) will…

Commercial operation of new helium-purification technology in Saskatchewan

Linde Engineering, a Division of the Linde Group (Munich, Germany:…

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Chementator: Resodyn Unveils ‘Entirely New’ Mixing Technology

At the Chem Show last month (New York; Oct. 30…

Lanxess technology used in Egyptian water-treatment plant

Ion exchange resins and membrane elements from Lanxess AG (Cologne,…

Passive fire-shelter technology provides new protection choice

This outdoor-enclosure specialist now offers an extensive range of fire-resistant…

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UOP’s Oleflex technology selected by Dow Chemical and more business news

Plant Watch UOP’s Oleflex technology selected by Dow Chemical January…