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14276 results for: cleaning technologies

Heat Transfer Fluid Leaks: Break the Fire Triangle

Management of process plants requires the understanding and application of…

EDDL standards continue to evolve

The EDDL (electronic-device-description language) Cooperation Team (ECT; Karlsruhe, Germany;…

EDDL standards continue to evolve

The EDDL (electronic-device-description language) Cooperation Team (ECT; Karlsruhe, Germany;…

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Bio-butanol scaleup moves ahead with trials

In April development tests, Cobalt Technologies (Cobalt; Mountain View, Calif;…

A fast PSA technology to be trialed at a petroleum refinery

QuestAir Technologies Inc. (Vancouver, B.C.; has received a CDN$2.2-million…

Inspecting Fractionation Towers

Distillation columns are often workhorses in the chemical process industries…

Calendar: May to June 2010

Put content here. NORTH AMERICA Biopocess Training Academy. IBC Life…

Calendar: April to June 2011

North America 2011 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. Materials Research…

Non-Chemical Water Treatment

Mechanical processes can offer an environmentally friendly and safer option…

Technology Showcase: Trends in Fluid Catalytic Cracking

    Advances in catalytic cracking technologies are improving efficiency,…