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14279 results for: cleaning technologies

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Photochemical Processes in Stirred Tank Reactors

A general overview of industrial photochemistry and the design of…

Chementator: A dosimeter monitors long-term exposure to phosgene

Phosgene is widely used for making fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates,…

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Chementator: A bioprocess to make natural plastic makes its commercial debut

Archer Daniels Midland Co. (Decatur, Ill.; plans to build…

Beyond Flowmeter Selection: Consider Some of the Most Overlooked Criteria

The whole-product-lifecycle approach for flowmeters presented here encompasses more than…

Wacker opens new polysilicon-production site in Tennessee

Today, Wacker Chemie AG (Munich, Germany; officially opened its…

Understanding Bends In Pneumatic Conveying Systems

Despite their apparent simplicity, bends are often poorly understood, and…

Go With the Flow

    According to experts in flow measurement, any chemical…

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Toyo wins large-scale fertilizer-plant order in Indonesia

Toyo Engineering Corp. (Toyo; Chiba, Japan; and PT Inti…

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Tenaska picks Fluor’s carbon-capture technology

Tenaska ( has chosen Fluor Corp.'s (Irving, Tex.; Econamine…

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BASF Qtech formed to commercialize catalytic surface coatings for steam-cracker furnace tubes  

BASF Corp. (Iselin, N.J.; today announced that its affiliate,…