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14276 results for: cleaning technologies

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gPROMS to include SAFT advanced thermodynamics

Process Systems Enterprise (PSE; London, U.K.; has announced an…

Honeywell UOP to provide technology and equipment for refinery expansion in Jordan

Honeywell UOP announced that it has signed an agreement with…

This containment valve is easy to clean

The Müller Containment Valve is designed for handling highly potent…

This containment valve is easy to clean

The Müller Containment Valve is designed for handling highly potent…

Axens intends to acquire Heurtey Petrochem

Axens (Rueill-Malmaison, France; has filed a voluntary takeover bid…

Linde to supply gases to Evonik’s new methionine complex in Singapore

Linde Gas Singapore, a member of technology company, The Linde…

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Novel and Conventional Approaches to Sterilization

The techniques used for sterilization have a major impact on…

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BASF to realign its fuel cell business and more

Siemens gasification technology selected for Taylorville Energy Center November 10,…

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New Ways to Deal With Old Heat-Transfer Issues

New developments in heat exchangers solve common problems and enhance…

This pump family has been expanded to include an engine-driven model

The newest addition to the Ultra V Series pumps family…