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14282 results for: cleaning technologies

Axens to license butene process technology for Socar’s GPC project

Axens (Rueill-Malmaison, France; has signed an AlphaButol technology licensing…

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UOP MTO technology selected to convert coal to petrochemicals in China  

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.;, a Honeywell company, announced…

LyondellBasell to provide PP and PE process technologies to Liaoning Bora Petrochemical

LyondellBasell (Rotterdam, the Netherlands; announced that Liaoning Bora Petrochemical…

CB&I to provide process technologies for PDH plant in China

CB&I (The Woodlands, Tex.; announced it has been awarded…

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UOP to provide technology for propylene production in China  

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.;, a Honeywell company, has…

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Bechtel’s ThruPlus Coking technology to be used in Kazakhstan refinery  

Bechtel (Houston; has signed a license agreement with JSC…

CB&I to design propane and butane dehydrogenation plant in China

CB&I (The Woodlands, Tex.; announced that it has been…

Outotec to deliver gold pressure leaching technology in Russia

Under a contract announced today, Outotec (Espoo, Finland; delivers…

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Air Liquide to invest in an ASU in China

China owns the world’s third largest coal reserves, and naturally…

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KBR to provide license and design package for olefins recovery unit in China  

KBR (Houston; was awarded a license and process-design package…