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14292 results for: cleaning technologies

A turnkey and ready-to-use metering solution

DosaSkid is a “plug-and-play” metering device that can be used…

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Solid catalyst simplifies turning algae into biodiesel

Researchers at United Environment & Energy (UE&E; Horseheads, N.Y.) have…

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Renewable surfactant can replace solvents for cleaning

A nonionic surfactant that is derived from renewable chemicals can…

Diamond-based coatings increase service life of high-wear surfaces

This company's patented ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) coatings for seals, bearings…

Monitor hydrogen sulfide in high-temperature environments

The 5100-15-IT Intelligent Solid-State Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Detector (photo) utilizes…

Newsfront: Particle sizing: When size matters

As chemical processors continue to feel the pinch of the…

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Hyperion wins turn-Key OTS project in Russia

Hyperion Systems Engineering Ltd., (Athens, Greece; has been awarded…

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Foster Wheeler: New refinery in Turkey

Foster Wheeler AG (Zug, Switzerland; says a subsidiary of…

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Increasing Particle Sizing Efficiency

    With energy costs rising, the value of most…

AIChE welcomes recommendations from CSB supporting reactive chemical safety education

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE; welcomed recent…