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14292 results for: cleaning technologies

Rockwell Automation acquires systems integrator Maverick Technologies

Rockwell Automation (Milwaukee, Wis.; has acquired leading systems integrator…

Nidec Corp. completes acquisition of Leroy-Somer and Control Technologies

On January 31, Nidec Corporation completed the acquisition of Leroy-Somer…

Hoerbiger acquires IEP Technologies

  Effective September 1, 2015, Hoerbiger Group (Zug, Switzerland;…

Black & Veatch, Casale: Global Licensing Agreement for Fertilizers, Melamine and Methanol Technologies

Black & Veatch (Overland Park, Kan.; and Casale S.A.…

Umicore inaugurates new production facility for metal-organic precursor technologies

Umicore N.V.’s (Brussels, Belgium; Precious Metals Chemistry business unit…

Saudi Aramco invests in Siluria Technologies

Siluria Technologies (San Francisco, Calif.; has announced the initial…

Developing practical technologies

I remember a cartoon a colleague once showed me when…

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Selling new technologies

During my youth, as a mass- and heat-transfer R&D manager,…

Wireless technologies get better

In the past, words such as “unproven,” “risky” and “expensive”…

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Chementator: New methods for solving differential equations  

The behavior of many different phenomena can be modeled by…