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14291 results for: cleaning technologies

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Commercial testing set for ‘smooth’ emulsification technology

A new emulsification process, known as Smooth, has been developed…

ITT expands testing facilities for natural-gas vehicle components

ITT Corp. (White Plains, N.Y.; announced that it is…

Axens to license tehnologies for major refinery upgrades in Indonesia

Axens (Rueill-Malmaison, France; announced the signature of several technology…

Powerspan carbon-capture pilot test meets performance goals

Test results from a pilot unit equipped with Powerspan Corp.'s…

Technip to provide Dorr Oliver FluoSolids roasting system for KGHM in Poland

  Technip (Paris, France; was awarded a contract by…

Primetals Technologies and Midrex receive performance test certificate from Lebedinskiy GOK for new Midrex HBI-3 plant

The new 1.8-million metric ton per year (m.t./yr) Midrex hot…

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Dow and DPT license new LP Oxo Technology to Yan’an Energy in China  

Davy Process Technology Ltd. (DPT; London;, a Johnson Matthey…

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A direct route to organosilicon compounds

Researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and…

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ADT awarded a contract to make diamond biosensors

Advanced Diamond Technologies Inc. (ADT; Romeoville, Ill.; announces it…

Bioelectrochemical system treats wastewater and generates biogas

The first full-scale installation of a unique bioelectrochemical wastewater-treatment system…