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14281 results for: cleaning technologies

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SGL Group strengthens carbon-fiber activities in the U.S.

Yesterday, SGL Group ( — The Carbon Company — signed…

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Novel gasifier uses liquid copper as the heat source

Liquid copper is employed to gasify wastes in a process…

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High-temperature process cuts the cost of syngas cleanup

A process that promises a significant reduction in the cost…

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The science of droplets

Many chemical engineers study or employ distillation trays, gas-liquid separators…

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Corrosion: the silent killer

CUI — that acronym should be enough to capture your…

Microdyn-Nadir builds its second production line for MBR modules in the U.S.

  Microdyn-Nadir (Wiesbaden, Germany; ( has signed an agreement with…

The rising role of alternative energy

The news making recent headlines in my local area is…

Pasteurize liquids without the need for heat or chemicals

This company’s PEF (pulsed electric field) pasteurization system does not…

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Evonik developing the world’s largest Li-ceramic battery

Evonik Industries AG (Essen, Germany; and its partners are developing…

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A sorbent that enhances the water-gas shift reaction

Scientists at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL; Morgantown, W.…