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14279 results for: cleaning technologies

Volkswagen and BASF present the first Science Award Electrochemistry  

The first international “Science Award Electrochemistry” from BASF SE (Ludwigshafen;…

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The launch of a new bioethylene-production process

Last month, a new bioethanol-dehydration process was introduced by its…

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Materials Management — Evolving the Process for an Evolving Marketplace

The case examples presented here show that proper planning, communication…

Pick the WFI System that Meets Your Needs

The Polaris range of water-for-injection (WFI) products is designed in…

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Recover chemicals from sugarcane bagasse using the half the energy

Last month, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization…

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A PLA plant with new Sulzer/Purac technology starts up in the Netherlands  

The first polylactic acid (PLA) plant running with innovative Sulzer…

Chem Show welcomes Chemical Engineering magazine as a new media partner for the 2015 100th anniversary event

Producers of the 2015 Chem Show, which will be held…

Air Liquide operates the world’s largest hydrogen storage facility

Air Liquide (Paris, France; has recently commissioned the largest…

PES nanofleece prefilters for the biopharmaceutical industry

The newly launched Sartoguard NF prefilter series feature a unique…

The 2017 Kirkpatrick Award

Every other year, Chemical Engineering honors the most-noteworthy chemical engineering…