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14279 results for: cleaning technologies

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Technology Profile: Onsite Enzyme Production

Enzymes are proteins synthesized in living cells that act as…

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Stamicarbon urea technology for China

Stamicarbon B.V. (Sittard, the Netherlands;, the licensing and IP…

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Interoperability in control systems

Samson AG (Frankfurt, Germany; has started to implement the…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: July 2015

Chemical Engineering Booklist for July 2015 Solid-Liquid Filtration: Practical Guides…

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A process that makes ‘green jet fuel’ is slated for commercialization

Honeywells UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.; has developed a…

Hazardous area LOIs with sunlight-viewable touch screens

As a first in the basic series of explosion-protected compact…

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Axens’ technologies for Irak Nassiriya new refinery  

The State Company for Oil Projects (SCOP), part of the…

These scales require no test weights for calibration

This company’s industrial floor scales are rated for 250,000 load…

Measure energy flow with these smart meters

InnovaMass 240i and 241i vortex mass flowmeters (photo) are specifically…

Wireless technology: If they Build it, will You Come?

Despite various studies and process automation supplier suggestions that wireless…