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14279 results for: cleaning technologies

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Lanxess to expand its operations in the Netherlands  

Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, Germany; is investing €12 million to…

Achema expected to exceed previous years’ results

This month, individuals from across the chemical process industries (CPI)…

ACHEMA shows commitment to research & innovation  

ACHEMA 2009 (; Frankfurt, Germany; May 11–15, 2009) is underlining…

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Chementator: Bringing the corrosion resistance of tantalum to off-the-shelf stainless-steel parts  

Tantaline (Lyngby, Demnark; has developed a process that creates a…

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Chementator: Sonopolymerization as a means to manufacture composite nanoparticles

Many methods have been developed for the encapsulation of "active"…

Bringing the corrosion resistance of tantalum to off-the-shelf, stainless-steel parts

Tantaline (Lyngby, Demnark;; Booth 645) has developed a process…

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Scaleup for a new process to make Bio-Alkylate

Next spring, Exelus, Inc. (Livingston, N.J.; plans to pilot…

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Coke oven offgases may help to increase steel production

Two dissimilar iron-making methods — a conventional blast furnace using…

Lenzing to build specialty fibers plant in Alabama

The Lenzing Group (Lenzing, Austria; aims to increase the…

Shell and Iogen to accelerate a next-generation biofuel

Royal Dutch Shell plc (The Hague, Netherlands; and its…