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14282 results for: cleaning technologies

8 Rivers announces commercial deployment of its ultra-low-carbon H2 technology at ammonia plant in Texas

8 Rivers Capital, LLC (Durham. N.C.), a decarbonization technology developer,…

ExxonMobil announces $200-million investment to expand advanced recycling operations

ExxonMobil (Houston) plans to invest more than $200 million to…

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical to partner with Methanol Reformer S.L. and Element 1 Corp. related to methanol-to-hydrogen technologies

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. (MGC; Tokyo), Methanol Reformer S.L., a…

Nel Hydrogen signs contract for electrolyzer equipment to Samsung C&T for ‘pink’ hydrogen project

Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Oslo,…

Bilfinger signs maintenance services contract for UPM Biochemicals’ biorefinery in Germany

Bilfinger SE (Mannheim, Germany) has entered into a 6-year framework…

OMV Petrom starts construction of sustainable fuels production unit at Petrobrazi Refinery

OMV Petrom S.A. (Bucharest, Romania) announced the start of construction…

Avina Clean Hydrogen announces plans for sustainable aviation fuel facility in Illinois

Avina Clean Hydrogen Inc. (Short Hills, N.J.) has announced a…

Cybersecurity Implications of IT and OT Convergence

As the “Industry 4.0” revolution progresses, the convergence of IT…

Topsoe selected as technology provider for Triskelion e-methanol project

Topsoe (Lyngby, Denmark;, a global leader in carbon emission…

Awarding ‘green’ innovations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; Washington, D.C.; has…