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14282 results for: cleaning technologies

Effectively Discharging Solid Materials from Storage Bins and Silos

When considering the use of a silo discharge system to…

India’s first ultra-high-purity nitrous oxide plant commissioned by INOX Air Products

India’s largest industrial gases manufacturer, INOX Air Products (INOXAP), has…

Business News: March 2025

Plant Watch LG Chem set to commence production of bio-based…

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Fire and Explosion Safety: Going Beyond Traditional Protection

A sophisticated approach to fire and explosion safety requires one…

Safety Aspects in the Instrumentation of Process Plants

Safety is often underestimated when planning, operating and maintaining process-measuring…

Avantium and SCG Chemicals sign agreement to pilot polylactic-co-glycolic acid production

Avantium N.V. (Amsterdam, the Netherlands;  a leading company in…

Metso awarded lifecycle contract for new phosphate beneficiation plant Jordan

Metso Corp. (Espoo, Finland) and Ideal Development for Manufacturing Industries…

LG Chem and Acies Bio to partner on sustainable chemical feedstock development

LG Chem Ltd. (Seoul, South Korea) and Acies Bio (Ljubljana,…

Chemical Engineering Conversation: Dissecting the Route from Automation to Autonomy

At the YNOW2024 Conference in Houston (photo), the move toward…

LKAB begins construction of rare-earth element processing facility in Sweden, said to be Europe’s first

LKAB (Luleå, Sweden) has now commenced construction of its new…