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14277 results for: cleaning technologies

Syzygy Plasmonics and Lotte Chemical complete trial of world’s largest electric ammonia-cracking system

Syzygy Plasmonics (Houston) and Lotte Chemical (Seoul, South Korea) have…

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Tower Doctor: Can Trash Interfere With a Cure?

Henry Kister shares lessons learned from troubleshooting distillation towers Construction…

UBE to increase production capacity for high-purity nitric acid for semiconductor applications

UBE Corp. (Tokyo) announced that it has decided to increase…

Chemical Industry Sustainability Projects Advanced by Global Impact Coalition

The Global Impact Coalition (GIC; Geneva, Switzerland;, a CEO-led…

Thyssenkrupp Uhde’s carbon-capture and green-ammonia technologies selected for fertilizer production in Egypt

Thyssenkrupp Uhde GmbH (Dortmund, Germany) has been selected by MOPCO…

Solvay inaugurates second biomass boiler at Rheinberg soda ash and bicarbonate plant

Solvay S.A. (Brussels, Belgium) announces the official inauguration of the…

World’s largest short-path evaporator system delivered by UIC

UIC GmbH (Alzenau, Germany) announced that, at a customer's request,…

Chemical Recycling is Essential for Plastics Circularity, but Faces Challenges

Environmental imperatives drive the development of technologies for the chemical…

This valve line now has larger sizes

This company has introduced new 6- and 8-in. valve sizes…

The Modern AI Playbook for Industrial Industries

    Transform Your Business with Modern Data and AI…