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14276 results for: cleaning technologies

A tribute to a safety trailblazer

One of the chemical process industries’ (CPI) foremost authorities on…

Digitalization: What does it deliver today… and tomorrow?

Digitalization, properly deployed, has been proven by ABB to cut…

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Feature Report: Computerized Maintenance Management Systems For Effective Plant Performance

Corralling gigabytes of predictive maintenance data isn’t easy, but it’s…

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Lanxess: Two acquisitions in Asia

Specialty chemicals group Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, Germany; is underpinning…

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Todays Process Automation Worlds

Modern industrial-automation systems rely entirely on digital technology, that is,…

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This process enables magnesium alloy to be cast economically

The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO; Kawasaki;…

Johnson Matthey acquires packaging business StePac

Johnson Matthey (London; announced that is has acquired the…

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A step forward for bio-based butadiene

Increased use of ethane from shale deposits as a feedstock…

This auto-start sterilizer requires no pre-heating

The SteriMax Smart sterilizer uses specifically focused infrared light (IR)…

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This new, dual-pressure nitric-acid process is commercially available

Last month, Weatherly Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of KBR…