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14277 results for: cleaning technologies

Elementis opens sustainable coatings production plant in China

Elementis plc (London) has  announced a significant development to the…

Combined PLC and HMI increases I/O options

This company’s SmartAXIS touch family has been expanded with the…

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Innovations in Seals and Gaskets Boost Reliability

New designs and materials overcome high temperatures, pressures and aggressive…

Nel and Reliance sign licensing agreement for alkaline electrolyzers

Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a fully owned subsidiary of Nel…

Avina Clean Hydrogen breaks ground for green hydrogen plant in Southern California

Avina Clean Hydrogen Inc. (Short Hills, N.J.) held a groundbreaking…

Carbon Clean and Petronas to collaborate on CCS technology integration

Carbon Clean (London) announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with…

KBR technology selected for Avina Clean Hydrogen’s SAF project

KBR, Inc. (Houston) announced that Avina Clean Hydrogen Inc. has…

Nextchem and KazMunayGas-Aero to collaborate on sustainability initiatives in Kazakhstan

MAIRE S.p.A. (Milan) announced that NextChem and KazMunayGas-Aero (KMG AERO)…

Honeywell to spin off its Advanced Materials business

Honeywell International, Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.) announced a plan to spin…

Electrifying Refining and Petrochemical Industries

Unlock the secrets to electrifying the refining and petrochemical industries…