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14276 results for: cleaning technologies

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New EPC awards for Marie Tecnimont  

Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. (Milan, Italy; has been awarded contracts…

Slash downstream processing costs for producing biologicals with this new chromatography technology

Last month at the BioProcess International Conference (Boston, Mass.; October…

Renewable Feedstocks: Trading Barrels for Bushels

With traditional petroleum-derived feedstocks facing relentless economic and environmental pressures,…

Recently published books for the chemical process industries (CPI)

  Process Heat Transfer: Principles, Applications and Rules of Thumb.…

Testing begins on a SOFC-MGT hybrid power-generation system

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS; Yokohama, Japan; commenced…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Save Space, Money and Water with This New Clarifier Process  

At Pollutec 2007 (Paris, France; November 27 – 30), Veolia…

This membrane could reduce the carbon footprint for combustion power plants

Within five years, four large power plants in Europe will…

How To Safely Sample Fluids From Heat Transfer Systems

To ensure you get the most out of your heat…

Member Exclusive

Distillation-tray downcomer design improves mass transfer efficiency

A new approach to the design of the downcomer portion…

Temporary seal

TubeMaster, Inc. (Louisville, Ky.; has filed patent applications for…