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14271 results for: cleaning technologies

Clariant’s R&D alliance with TUM, MuniCat, relocates to state-of-the-art Catalysis Research Center

Clariant (Muttenz, Switzerland; congratulates the Technical University of Munich…

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Energy Management: Consider Supply And Demand

    It's no secret that the chemical process industries…

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Jacobs: Biomass gasification and methanation plant in Sweden  

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Pasadena, Calif.; has received a…

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ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions wins fertilizer contract in Hungary  

The Hungarian fertilizer manufacturer Nitrogénmüvek Zrt. is extending its cooperation…

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Total announces plans to repurpose its Dunkirk refinery site and more business briefs

Outotec to deliver a copper smelter for plant in China…

A ‘natural’ way to make an unnatural acid

Excelsyn Molecular Development (Holywell, U.K.; has made a “major”…

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Environmentally Friendly Dry Vacuum Pumps Save Energy with the Lowest Cost of Ownership in Chemical and Biofuel Processes

Demands in the chemical processing industry to reduce energy consumption…

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Siemens to supply first 500-MW coal gasifiers to China

After a production period of only 18 months, Siemens Energy…

Indorama to acquire PET manufacturing assets in Egypt

Indorama Ventures Public Co. Ltd. (IVL; Bangkok, Thailand; announced…

Supercritical CO2: A Green Solvent

Many reactions, extractions, separations and other operations in the chemical…