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14276 results for: cleaning technologies

Gas Turbines: Design and Operating Considerations

Gas turbines are widely used throughout the chemical process industries…

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Designing Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Avoid Vibration From The Start

Mechanical integrity is an essential consideration in heat exchanger design.…

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Bubble-Cap Tray Vapor Turndown

The concept of tray stability can apply to bubble caps…

Improve Energy Efficiency using Hydraulic Power Recovery Turbines

This mature technology can be used to save energy, generate…

Road to Boiler MACT Takes Sharp Turns

Already, in the first two months of this year, the…

Troubleshooting Heat Transfer Fluid Systems

Articles about thermal fluid systems often start with a variation…

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Dry-Tray Pressure Drop of Sieve Trays Revisited

Data points from literature are refined into a single correlation…

Advances in Process Temperature Measurement: Trends and Technologies

Process temperature measurement is a constantly evolving field, and new…

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Wastewater Treatment: Energy-Conservation Opportunities

Typical wastewater-treatment plants (WWTP) — both industrial and municipal —…

ACHEMA Trend Report: Fluid Flow Machinery 4.0: a two-way conversation (1/2)

Stricter Ecodesign regulations come into force in 2015 Automation and…