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570 results for: cip nozzles

An air nozzle that resists corrosion and high temperature

Exair The ¾ NPT Super Air Nozzle (photo) delivers 4.5…

Bulk Solids: Operating Direct-Contact Heat Exchangers

Bulk solids are frequently used as reactants, catalysts or products…

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Specifying Equipment for High-Purity Fluid Flow

    In the pharmaceutical, biotech and food processing industries,…

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Special Flange Joints Used in Floating-Head Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

Single-pass, floating-head heat exchangers are common in certain process operations,…

Zirconium improves corrosion resistance in this density meter

Emerson Process Management The Micro Motion 7826 Insertion Liquid Density…

Mag-drive pumps safely transfer hazardous fluids

Pump Engineering The 3M magnetically driven centrifugal pumps (photo) have…

NIR technology enables precise sorting in fractions of a second

Materials with the same visual appearance can now be precisely,…

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Disperse Difficult Solids

Despite the immense value and universal appeal of these additives…

Solids Drying: Basics and Applications

Adjustment and control of moisture levels in solid materials through…

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Calculating Volumes of Bulk Solids

Calculating volumes of solids in piles as they are poured…