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2056 results for: aseptic pumps

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 3)   

A leading supplier of static sealing products The Flexitallic Group…

Use these metering pumps at pressures up to 12,000 psi

VP-Series metering pumps (photo) are designed for applications requiring continuous,…

Heinz Bloch reviews “Operator’s Guide to Centrifugal Pumps”

Operator’s Guide to Centrifugal Pumps. By Robert X. Perez. Xlibris…

This gear pump delivers smooth flows up to 5 gal/min

The Model TG-300 variable-speed low-flow pump is a positive displacement…

A ‘one-size-fits-all’ frame makes this pump simple to maintain

The model 1400 horizontal-end suction pump (photo) features a heavy-duty…

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Chementator: A sound way to reuse low-temperature waste heat

In a so-called thermoacoustic engine, researchers from the Energy Research…

Gas-jet compressor systems to increase the rate of yield of natural gas fields

GEA (Düsseldorf, Germany; has designed, manufactured and delivered a…

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Progress on E.U. project to produce rare earth elements from Greenland

A refinery pilot test was successfully completed on the Kvanefjeld…

Rotating Machines: Digital Technologies to Enable Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance for rotating machinery is gaining prominence as plant…

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CO2-Capture Technologies Aim to Cut Costs

Despite cost hurdles, CO2-capture technologies continue to advance, driven by…