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2056 results for: aseptic pumps

Industry reduces its thirst for water (1/2)

Water management conserves resources and cuts cost Efficiency: Water management…

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Specifying Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are one of the most important and…

Higher pressure ratings for these sealless pumps

Previously rated at 1,000 psi maximum discharge pressure, Hydra-Cell D10…

Plastic makes these centrifugal pumps resist corrosives

Since 1962, this company has been manufacturing horizontal and vertical…

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These microfluidic sensors can be made with a sewing machine

A low-cost method for fabricating microfluidic diagnostics devices using cotton,…

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New reactor system makes products faster, without a solvent

This system, which has multiple reactors and uses microwaves for…

A system to monitor vacuum pumps and gauges, continuously

The new Condition Monitoring System (CMS) has been introduced to…

weftec 2012 the water quality event

  Weftec 2012, the Water Environment Federation’s 85th annual technical…

Global Air-Pollution Regulations: Variation is the Norm

The chemical process industries (CPI) are, by their very nature,…

Pasteurize liquids without the need for heat or chemicals

This company’s PEF (pulsed electric field) pasteurization system does not…